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Each chakra is visualized as a lotus with a specific number of petals and is ruled by a particular emanation of Devī. The chakra deity resides in the center of the lotus, and within each lotus petal is a subordinate deity. Each chakra deity rules over a particular dhātu or body tissue, and favors certain foods. E.g., A 12 petalled lotus corresponds to Anahata Chakra and the deity that presides it is “Rākiṇī”.
Says Lalitha Sahasranama; At the Anāhata, she is the one with the black skin and two faces, each with shining tusks. She wears garlands of rudrākśa beads and assorted objects. Presiding over blood, she is surrounded by Kālarātrī and other śaktis. Fond of offerings cooked in oil or fats and bestowing grace on vīras, she is known as Rākiṇī.
—“Glorious Alchemy” by Kavitha Chinnaiyan
Digital painting printed on a textured paper with matte finish.
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These are prints of digital paintings and upon order, only prints are shipped. Framing services are not undertaken by Layasthana.Shipping anywhere within India is free of cost and will be delivered 3-5 days from the time of placing an order. No international shipment of physical copies. Please purchase downloadable files.